Uživatel:  Heslo:  

hledat waypoint:

Multicache Obtížnost: 2.0 z 5.0 Terén: 2.0 z 5.0 Resa till dåtid/Journey to the past  založil Faya&Freya

Velikost: Malá
Časová náročnost: 1:00 h  Délka: k.A.
Status: Připravena k hledání
Ukryto: 25.09.2009
Vytvořeno: 09.10.2009
Poslední úprava: 09.10.2009
waypoint: OZ016E
Naleznete také na: geocaching.com

0 nalezeno
0 nenalezeno
0 komentářů
1 sleduje
5083 návštěv

Souřadnice se zobrazí po přihlášení.
Popis   EN  

Please don´t excange garbage like nails, skrews, old bateries, metal clips and so on...keep some standard of the things you want to exchange or just leave inside.Thanx

Read something about this building´s history.
You can also explore this area to look for 3 rune stones.

Final cache is on N 59°AA´BB.45" E 017°CC´DD.60"

The cache is not so close to the first one - it takes short walk...
For the first one is there a little surprise....

AA = in which century was the vestry build?

BB = (from which century are west doorway & spire? + from which century is this building?) - (in which century was made the Antwerp furnishing? + in which century was the vestry build?)

CC = (from which century are west doorway & spire? + from which century is this building? + in which century was made the Antwerp furnishing? + in which century was the vestry build?) -10

DD = in which century was made the Antwerp furnishing? + from which century is this building?

Please hide the cache exactly as it was. Thanx.

Botkyrka Kyrka

Nápověda   [Rozluštit]

fgbar nezpunve


Záznamy   nalezeno 0x nenalezeno 0x 0x   

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Generování stránky: 0.001 sec
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