Uživatel:  Heslo:  

hledat waypoint:

Virtuální Obtížnost: 2.0 z 5.0 Terén: 1.0 z 5.0  založil meteor2017
Andy Warhol Museum in Medzilaborce

Velikost: Nemá schránku
Status: Připravena k hledání
Ukryto: 14.07.2012
Vytvořeno: 14.07.2012
Poslední úprava: 12.07.2013
waypoint: OZ021E
0 nalezeno
0 nenalezeno
0 komentářů
0 sleduje
6044 návštěv

Souřadnice se zobrazí po přihlášení.
Popis   EN, PL  

Probably most of you know, that Andy Warhol was famous pop-art artist (if not, don't say anything, and read immediatly this article, before anyone will ask you). He was born in USA, but his parents were from Slovak village Miková , few kilometres from Medzilaborce.

To log this geocache, you should do few things:

1. Take the photo of you (or your GPS) with... something in Medzilaborce related with Andy. Upload this image to your log.
2. Find two cans of soup near museum. They contain CEREAL and X SOUP.
3. Find the quote from Andy near the entrance to musdeum. There is a number Y, and the next word is Z.

PASSWORD: XYZ (all the letters write big)

LINK: muzeum site (opening hours, ticket prices)

geocache is also registered at opencaching.de

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
In the museum
In the museum
meteor2017 in the soup
meteor2017 in the soup

Záznamy   nalezeno 0x nenalezeno 0x 0x   

Výpočet stránky: 0.009 sec
Generování stránky: 0.001 sec
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