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Tradiční cache Obtížnost: 4.0 z 5.0 Terén: 1.5 z 5.0 Vaclavak / Wenceslas square založil Pitr
The microcache is placed at one of the busiest places in Prague

Velikost: Mikro
Status: Připravena k hledání
Ukryto: 26.09.2004
Vytvořeno: 02.02.2006
Poslední úprava: 02.02.2006
waypoint: OZ0029
Naleznete také na: geocaching.com

82 nalezeno
1 nenalezeno
0 komentářů
11 sleduje
14628 návštěv

Souřadnice se zobrazí po přihlášení.
Popis   CS, EN  


The microcache is placed at one of the busiest places in Prague: right at the ramp of the National Museum. Be most careful when retrieving and replacing the cache: all the tourists there will most probably look in your direction :-)))

There are two side staircases with balustrades leading to the ramp with the fouintain. At the ends of the balustrades there are two sandstone pillars decorated with Czech insignias and iron lanterns, made in 1889 by artistic smith Mr.Vaclav Nemec. The same model of pillars was used for the National Theater in Prague. The basins of the fountain are made from sandstone, red Meissen granite and yellow Austrian marble Oberalm, made in 1890. The brass lion mask in the fountain was made in 1890 by Mr.Vaclav Masek. The statues above the fountain symbolize the countries of Czech Kingdom: in the middle there is Czechia with Labe River at the left and Vltava River at the right, the statue at the left side of the balustrade symbolizes Moravia and the young man at the right Silesia. According to the original project there should be a statue of St. Wenceslas in the middle of the staircase, behind the Czechia statue - the prince as the symbol of protection of Czech lands. The project was later changed and St. Wenceslas statue was placed down at the square.

Nápověda   [Rozluštit]

Va fphycgher nobir sbhagnva va orneqrq zra'f craq unaq.



Záznamy   nalezeno 82x nenalezeno 1x 0x     [Zobrazit všechny logy]

21.06.2018 rhfaktor Nalezl cache
Nalezeno ji dvno v rmci geocachingu ne byla archivovan. Dky.
28.06.2015 brazajar Nalezl cache
20:45 Konecne odlovena i tato legenda! Smatral jsem patral, az jsme zjistili, ze kes ma v ruce zahranicni par, tak po predani rychly log .... a vraceni kam patri. Diky za kes.
03.06.2015 Tofty Nalezl cache
Keš nalezena v rámci geocachingu, take si jí loguji i tady.
14.12.2014 Radek694 Nalezl cache
Díky za keš odlovena p?i dnešní cest? na megá? 
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