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WebCam Obtížnost: 2.5 z 5.0 Terén: 2.0 z 5.0 Nové Hutě založil kennyovi
Ski Area Webcam

Velikost: Nemá schránku
Časová náročnost: 1:00 h  Délka: 1.00 km
Status: Připravena k hledání
Ukryto: 06.12.2010
Vytvořeno: 21.01.2011
Poslední úprava: 21.01.2011
waypoint: OZ01D0
Naleznete také na: geocaching.com

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0 sleduje
7091 návštěv

Česká Republika
Souřadnice se zobrazí po přihlášení.
Popis   CS, DE, EN  

This webcam is located in one of a smaller and peaceful mountain resort in the Bohemian Forest.

Nove Hute

About village

Village Nove Hute (in German Kaltenbach) is located in the South Bohemia region near the boundary of the National Park Bohemian Forrest, it is situated at an altitude of 1025m.a.s.l. The first written mention of the village is dates from 1840, when here operated a glasswork.


Now the Nove Hute is one of the smaller traditional Bohemian center of classical and downhill skiing, it’s ideal for beginners or families with children. The dominant peak near the village is Prilba mountain (in German Helmit) high 1217m.a.s.l, on whose shoulder are downhill ski slopes and 6 lifts.


How to obtain cache

Your task is to take a picture with skis or sticks in your hands, or other equipment, skiing or hiking by a webcam, which is located on the roof of a ski area service house, and this photo attach to the log. No need to carry computer equipment along the slope, the pictures on the web site kept up until the midnight - http://www.holidayinfo.cz/zima/kamera.php?lang=3&ro=1&cntry=1&rg=6&loc=3&cat=45&frm=info&raw

Attention! Photos webcam captures to the web only once per hour, but exactly the same minute, ie. eg 9.02, 10.02, 11.02, etc. Find out in advance minute. A perfect place is a bit from a bounded space of the children's cord lift (initial coordinates). Beware of skiers! Photos you can’t capture in the dark or gross fog.


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