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Find hidden password.. read more down :)

Velikost: Malá
Status: Připravena k hledání
Ukryto: 30.08.2006
Vytvořeno: 30.08.2006
Poslední úprava: 31.08.2006
waypoint: OZ0052
Naleznete také na: geocaching.com

101 nalezeno
0 nenalezeno
1 komentářů
1 sleduje
22379 návštěv

Souřadnice se zobrazí po přihlášení.
Popis   CS, EN  

From: R. Sikorski
To: M. Kammerer
Subject: 6th password
Priority:  high
Max, I have some special job. I received a message, that there on Earth could be transfered one of Artifacts of Pilgrim. We must stop it. Receiver must know the password, you must find it. I have for you the only information we have: The 6th password, which you are searching, can be related to this page. We don't know the time of this transfer, so be quick. This job is cardinal. KomKon must make it, there is no other way! When you find the "6th password", let me know.


pocitacova kriminalita 

Cache coordinates in description above are going to nice gardens. You will visit it, if you will follow Maxim Kammerers steps. Web page linked by Admiral is leading to 6th password. But you must uncover another 5 passwords. Fifth password is hidden somewhere in park. First four passwords are very easy uncoverable. Don't try to broke them by "brute force" - trying all possibilities, it is not good path to finish
Small hint: pages with passwords contains hidden hint. Look at source code, search informations you don't know and don't think it is hard - it is not .

In park, log into the cache logbook, read the Fift password from card inside the cache, which leads to 6th password. It is necessary (6th) to loging on this page.
Storyboard is inspired by books of brothers Strugacky..

Good luck  




Záznamy   nalezeno 101x nenalezeno 0x 1x     [Zobrazit všechny logy]

02.01.2022 green.team Nalezl cache
Jako amatrovi mi dala docela zabrat, ale nakonec jsem hesla sp?n? rozlutil, u n?kdy na podzim. Dnes byl kone?n? ?as na nvt?vu finlky pro Pt hesloDky za super keku! :-)
01.01.2022 DvojkaBezJednicky Nalezl cache
Tato originln keka se mi moc lbila, druh heslo mi dalo trochu zabrat, ne jsem p?iel na to, co musm ud?lat, jinak to bylo v pohod?. Dky!
12.08.2021 tulak Nalezl cache
Dlouho jsem tady u nebyl...
09.11.2018 kaulilux Nalezl cache
Zbavn lut?n. Nejsem IT expert, ale zkladn znalosti html v tomto p?pad? byly dostate?n k prolomen vech kd?. V ternu jsem nael ke bez problm? a sp?n? dokon?il agentskou misi. Informace p?edny Admirlovi. Dky za ke!
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